Water Problem In Delhi : Why Delhi Become Dehydrated Day By Day | The HNT

Water Problem In Delhi : Why Zero Water Delhi, why Delhi begin zero water resources. India is now on water problem, Delhi water Problem, why Delhi on low water, world's water Problem. 

Water Problem In Delhi 

In our National Capital, Delhi. When the water tanker arrived, everyone attacked it. Because in Delhi, basic things like water are getting depleted. On one side, people of Delhi are fighting with 50 degree temperature. Sky is raining fire and on the other side, water is getting depleted.

 And how much is that? In some areas of Delhi, water comes only for 2 hours. And the quality of water is so bad that it cannot even be drunk. And even at such times, politics is going on in our National Capital. People are blaming each other. Politicians are not taking action at the right time.

 And common people have to pay for it. But in this article we will not only talk about problems, but also about solutions. Some solutions are for the government and some solutions are for individuals like you and me. So please resd this article till the end. And if you want to support such solution -based content, then don't forget to subscribe to the channel.

Water Problem In Delhi : Why Delhi Become Dehydrated Day By Day | The HNT

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Chapter 1:

 Delhi's water over. Let's understand the condition of water in Delhi. Delhi has a total of 5000 tube wells. 10 functional water treatment plants. And more than 15,000 km of waterline network. 93% of Delhi gets piped water. Now there is a water crisis in Delhi every year.

 In summer, the heat increases. People bathe 2-3 times and the water runs out. According to the data, Delhi needs 1290 million gallons of water every year. Out of which, Delhi manages around 1000 million gallons of water. The remaining demand of 290 million gallons is fulfilled by groundwater.

 Okay, this does not sound that bad. I mean, a little water is less in every city. In 2016, there was a water crisis in the Latur area of Maharashtra. Where water was brought from a special train to Latur. People were so desperate that they were digging the ground themselves. So that they get water in the ground.

 In 2019, Chennai's water was running out. Where city officials had also announced day zero. Before COVID, all the offices were telling their employees to work from home. Because there was not a single drop of water left in the office. There was also such an incident that a person killed his neighbour with a knife due to water. And in the same year, in 2024, the situation in Bengaluru was also similar.

 We have made a full video on this topic, which you can watch here. Water is getting over in Indian cities we hear such news every year And also forget it after some time There is a outrage for 2 days And then we all move ahead Really, people say that the 3rd world war will happen for water At that time, it felt like a joke But now it seems true Let's come back to the point.

 Why is Delhi's water crisis so serious? If you look at the numbers, it seems okay. What difference does it make if a quarter of the water you need comes from the ground? The difference is because this number has not been constant for the past few years. It is increasing steadily. In 2020, Delhi was extracting 84 million gallons of water from the ground.

 Now in 2024, this number has increased by 63%. Now Delhi is extracting 135 million gallons of water. There is no chance of this figure decreasing in the coming time. Because the water board is planning 134 more tube wells. Which will additionally extract Which will additionally extract 24 million gallons of water Understand one thing about groundwater.

 Groundwater is your ancestors' property. I mean, literally, this groundwater has not been created today. This water has been in the ground for years. And it is okay to use it sometimes as an emergency. But using more groundwater is like destroying our future reserves. Think about it, you are taking a water loan.

 You are using the water of your future for your current needs. That means you are drinking the water of your children today. Delhi's water crisis is serious because today 4.5 crore people are dependent on Delhi. And this population will not decrease. That means we are leaving less water for a larger population in the future.

 The next generation of Delhi is going to abuse their ancestors. Because we can leave our property for them. But we are destroying basic things like water.

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 Chapter 2:

 The theft of water We always take basic things like water for granted. I live in Mumbai and always see these water tankers. From which water always drips. Think, if this water was milk, would a single drop be wasted? Think, if this was petrol, would a single drop be a wasted like this ?

 But we don't value water. We insult the water that water tankers earn money from. This is something to think about. If you also see water being leaked from water tankers around you. And you also feel irritated, then please tweet about it. Tag your local municipal authorities.

 Solicitor General Tushar Mehta says that if Delhi gets 100 litres of water. Then only 48.65 litres of water reaches the people of Delhi. Why? Because of Delhi's tanker mafia. That means more than half of the water does not reach the people. In between, water tankers consume this water.

 That means they drink it and send it to posh localities. This water is sold to industries. As a result, poor people cannot afford a water tanker. And drink polluted water. Cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid cases are going to increase in Delhi. And it's not that these are all new discoveries.

Why Delhi Become Dehydrated Day By Day

 In Delhi's economic survey, all these things have already been shown with proof. That water is stolen in Delhi. It's common and everyone knows about it. But no one takes action. The Supreme Court has raised questions against the water tanker mafia.

 It's a shame that this is happening in our national capital. It's happening in a state where both the central and state governments can take action. There, because of politics, no one is talking about solutions.

 I agree that the government is responsible for this. But even the citizens are not very innocent. Jal Jeevan Mission says that in urban areas, per capita water demand is 135 litres in a day. And 55 litres in rural areas. But people of Delhi use 172 litres of water every day.

 Similarly, this year, the fire department also said that by May 20, 8,201 fire incidents were reported. Last year, there were some 5,970 fire incidents. That is, water was also spent in this. That is, in this chapter, we understood that the water crisis is due to three main reasons.

 1. Water tanker mafia. 

2. Overuse of heat waves and water. And 

3. Increasing fire cases. 

There is another fourth reason, which will take a whole chapter to understand. And that is, over-dependence on other states.

Chapter 3. Delhi's Responsibility. 

Delhi has had a water management system for the past thousand years. Many kings and sultans had made a network of dams, bunds and canals in Delhi. of dams, bunds and canals in Delhi. There were such step wells here that worked for rainwater harvesting.

 That is, even in those days, we knew the importance of saving water. But today, we know nothing but blame games. Today, Delhi State is very dependent on its neighboring states, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, UP. 40% of Delhi's water comes from the Yamuna River.

 25% water comes from the Ganga River and 22% comes from the Bhakra Nangal Dam And the rest comes from 13% tube wells, i.e. other sources. Believe it or not, Delhi's biggest problem is politics. Because Delhi is surrounded by states that are controlled by other political parties.

 Except Punjab, all other states have parties that fight against you in Delhi's state elections. Stop increasing your water sources. Delhi does a great job of polluting the existing water sources. Only 2% of the Yamuna River flows from Delhi.

 But Delhi is responsible for 76% of the Yamuna's pollution. i.e. 3-4th of the Yamuna's pollution is due to Delhi. And in the near future, this pollution is bound to increase. Wazirabad Water Treatment Plant has reduced its processing capacity by 50%. Last year, Delhi Jail Board came up with an action plan to increase water production.

 But even after a year, work hasn't started. Renuka Dam construction has been stuck for the past 30 years. Governments have come and gone. But no one has been able to solve the important problem of water.

 These are state-level failures about which blame game starts instead of taking responsibility. Here, Delhi's state government says that funds for water conservation projects are not released on time. And work gets delayed. Bureaucrats deliberately obstruct work.

 The truth is that you can see in this map that in the near future, India's water is going to run out quickly. Our condition will be as bad as that of some countries in the Gulf. And even in this, India's northern regions will be severely affected. Now this is a fact.

 There shouldn't be any politics in this. But still, it happens. The report says that in the next 6 years, India's water demand will be double than our supply. i.e. for 1 out of 2 Indians, water will be zero.

 Chapter 4. Solutions.

 No country is perfect. It has to be made perfect. That's why we try to discuss solutions at the end of every critical video. Leaving blame game, let's move ahead by putting aside who made what mistakes for a second. Let's discuss solutions.

 The condition of Delhi today was the same as that of Singapore a few years ago. Singapore was a part of Malaysia until 1965. Singapore is like a city in size but is a sovereign nation. Until 2011, Singapore used to import 40% water from Malaysia. But this contract ended in 2011.

 So Singapore started working on it in 2003. They started a freshwater recycling plant called New Water. Only 15 years ago, Singapore was dependent on basic necessities like water for its neighbouring countries. But today, Singapore is considered water secure. This happened because of their Think Ahead, Think Again and Think Across policies.

 You won't find tanker politics here. Because every connection of water is a metered connection. Every drop of water is measured. And every drop has a price. Here, the politics of freebies doesn't work. In UAE, a kind of water tax is also imposed. That is, the amount of water they waste in every household is added to their bill.

 Until we consider water free, we won't know the value of water. Japan has a policy of water recycling. A public toilet sink is connected to a pipe with a flush. So that the water we use to wash our hands is also used in the flush. We are very privileged people. We don't understand the value of grey water recycling.

 Countries like Israel have used technology to make desalination plants. From which salty water is converted into potable water UAE also fulfils one part of its water needs in the same way. If not in Delhi, then in coastal areas like Chennai and Mumbai, this solution can be implemented.

 This solution is very important at national and individual levels. Jal Bhagirathi Foundation fights against water scarcity in Rajasthan. They have found a solution to the problem of drinking water in 550 villages. How?

 With the help of water harvesting. 2000 water harvesting structures have been built. From which 4000 million litres of water is saved every day. This water is also used to revive more than 100 hectares of barren land. In schools and colleges, education is given on water saving. In Ahmednagar, a village has solved its own water problem.

 It was very dry here in 1972. Water shortage was a big problem till 1989. But the residents here took the responsibility of solving their own problem. They built 3 dams, 20 canals and 2 percolation tanks on 1435 hectares of land. This system connected 19 villages.

Water Problem In Delhi : Why Zero Water Delhi, why Delhi begin zero water resources. India is now on water problem, Delhi water Problem, why Delhi on low water, world's water Problem.

 Drip irrigation technique was started. Outreach program was started in the villages. So that all stakeholders come together and become a part of the solution. It is not that all the problems were solved in a jiffy due to these solutions. But there was an improvement. People understood the importance of water.

 If we talk about Delhi, 907 billion litres of water can be extra-generated annually. How? By rainwater harvesting. Delhi's rainwater harvesting potential is 907 billion litres. Many people have their own homes in Delhi. Why not use rainwater to wash the car in the flush?

 Why not ensure that rainwater goes inside the land? Groundwater recharge so that there is some water left for the next generation. Today our city has become a concrete jungle. Groundwater recharge will happen only when water goes inside the land. But where is the soil to go inside the land? Every road is made of concrete.

 We will have to focus on groundwater recharge. If you think you have ideas to solve the water problem, then send us on this email id. We will try our best to highlight the solutions in the coming time. Because it is very easy to talk about problems. But to find solutions and make the country 1% better.

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