The Future of AI : What is the Future Of AI - A General Meeting With GOOGLE CEO (Sundar Pichai) By The HNT

The Future of AI :   The Future of AI with GOOGLE CEO (Sundar Pichai)  Hayls World  Hayls World, 

The future of AI holds transformative potential across industries like healthcare, transportation, and finance, enhancing efficiency and innovation. Expectations include personalized medicine, autonomous vehicles, and sophisticated financial models. However, ethical considerations regarding privacy, bias, and job displacement require careful oversight and regulation.

The Future of AI : What is the Future Of AI - A General Meeting With GOOGLE CEO (Sundar Pichai) By The HNT

 Balancing technological progress with societal impacts will be crucial, ensuring AI benefits humanity while mitigating risks. Continued research into transparent algorithms, responsible deployment, and inclusive decision-making frameworks will shape AI's evolution, fostering a future where technology serves as a force for positive change in global societies.

What is The AI ?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that can perform tasks typically requiring human cognition, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. AI encompasses various techniques, including machine learning and deep learning, enabling systems to analyze data, recognize patterns, and make predictions.


  Applications range from virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to complex algorithms powering autonomous vehicles and medical diagnostics. As AI evolves, ethical considerations around privacy, bias, and job displacement become crucial. Its potential to revolutionize industries like healthcare, finance, and transportation highlights both opportunities and challenges in harnessing this technology responsibly for societal benefit.

What is the Future Of AI ?

AI will pretty much touch everything we do it's more likely to be correct and grounded in reality talk to the AI about how to do better it's a very deep philosophical conversation it's bit above my pay grade awesome cind it is such a pleasure to meet you it's likewise thank you for doing it just like you I love AI I love talking about AI so I think no surprise today I'm definitely going to delve into that with you and with so many AI tools coming out these days 

and so much going on I mean the shift of AI in the space of a year has been insane and a lot of people feel like if they don't start using AI if they don't understand AI they are going to be left in the dust so why should people start using Google's AI look I think for multiple reasons to start with it makes your experience better right.

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 I think using AI it's going to summarize things for you it's going to save you time now you can type a much more complex question right find me exercise Studios within 4 miles of where I live and open at these hours and it kind of summarizes an answer for you so it just makes your life a bit easier that's the primary way we putting AI in our product yeah yeah AI is going to be in our lives across everything

 we do learn to understand where it's good at what the pitfalls are so I think there a part of getting familiar with the new technology too so you want to do it for both reasons amazing I'm I'm sure you're aware of the competitors um co-pilot chat BT what makes gemini or Google's AI better than the competitors I think a few things 

the way we integrate with Google search and other Google products so for example it can summarize your emails in Gmail you can easily send off an email to Gmail so it's very well integrated with the rest of your Google products 

and so I think including YouTube right yes yes so it's multimodal so over time you'll be able to use voice you can point it at things I think that'll be an area where it's differentiated as well at Google over many years we built a vast understanding of the world so you can go to any chatboard 

and ask help me plan a trip but they can hallucinate okay but what Google can do in Gemini is ground it in the way we have built over years our understanding of the world so when we say go from Place A to B it's more likely to be correct and grounded in reality with Gemini and even something like virtual team.

It feels as though AI is almost does almost have a Consciousness sometimes do you think it'll be much longer until there is some form of AI Consciousness that we see like a real form of it you know obviously Consciousness is a deep topic and you know it's something that is not yet fully understood we all feel it we all perceive

It so I think there's a difference between what it means to be truly conscious AI versus can AI appear conscious I think the second thing is I think in the next few years he will clearly have ai which will give you all semblance of being conscious and you may not be able to differentiate but I think that's a very different question from is it actually conscious 

Which is a more profound question and it's a very deep philosophical conversation you know like true how do I know you are conscious right like you know I mean how do I have a way of knowing it

So I think you know it's a bit above my pay grade I think to to answer that question yeah I think like you're right it's it's quite an interesting topic that could go on for days actually and so for the people who do use these AI tools and who do adopt them whether it's in work or just their day-to-day life

 For those people and the general public what do you think AI is going to look like for them in the next 5 to 10 years I think you're going to have some AI which you can talk to or ask to help and it's going to be available for you right at your fingertips if you're in Google Docs and you're typing something it corrects your spelling and grammar 

You take it for granted but you know AI is going to be there like that for pretty much everything you do in your life you know you may be getting ready for an interview and you would just talk to the AI about how to do better right and it won't even seem strange to you to that you're going to do that 

So that notion you know it's what you know we showed glimpses of it with project asra today yeah right and the fact that there's an AI it's it's based on a multimodal model so it can see what you see yeah you can talk you can ask it to reason about the world and and remember it's just at the early stages and these things are going to progress pretty fast yeah so it sounds to me like you're saying it's almost going to be more magical and in more people's hands so to speak 

 I like that so for the people who let's say don't adopt Ai and don't start using it what do you think the future looks like for them you know you want to try these things uh use a chatbot whatever you prefer right and learn interact with them you know people can express themselves in a variety of ways but I think you will have a leg up 

If you can understand the technology right I mean it's it's an important change it's happening at a faster Pace than previous Technologies yeah so learning becoming familiar with it learning how to use it you know I think will give you a leg up with the Gemini now coming out um I I've seen you know when going on Pixel devices you're prompt to now change from Google Assistant to Gemini so is Google Assistant fading away 

The right way to think about it is over time you'll have Gemini powering Google assistant right they will they will become one on the same thing as we go through this transition Gemini can do everything Google Assistant can do it's going to be there right at your fingertips to help you now that Gemini is on Pixel devices

 what do you think people are primarily going to use it for like I'm sure you've got user data already about what people are using it for the most so what do you think that's going to be you that you predominantly see people doing with it people ask it for ideas right I think the most common way we see people using it 

they have they want somebody to brainstorm with them right I found myself using hey what should I do for Mother's Day sometimes you're just trying to understand something very quickly uh I'm like hey Gemini is this food gluten-free right and in a world with project Astra that gets easier you can ask Gemini to look at the food and it can answer it for you 

I think people are using it pretty broadly across different types of needs uh and I think people are getting more and more familiar and comfortable with the technology so yeah it feels like full of possibilities yeah so more day-to-day kind of things like you say more ideas

 I like that about you know kind of Mother's Day or gift ideas or excursions yeah but I think like you saw today you know people may want to go to a place and they say well what should I do for a week and we're going to make it much easier we're going to try and help you plan that and those are the kind of new features 

we bringing into Gemini absolutely but there's a lot we can do more my final question is what is your hope for AI in the future like where do you hope this ends up going in the end 

I think the biggest way we hope is what looks like a technology is just infused in a way that makes our lives better we can clearly see it in the context of an assistant but the fact we using the same AI to make your car self-driving in a same way right or using AI to better discover drugs

That can Target difficult diseases so you should view it you know I've compared it in the past electricity or fire you know so I call it more profound than that you know it you want to think about it in that deep fundamental way and just like today you don't think about electricity it's there everywhere

 AI will pretty much touch everything we do and you know and has a lot of potential to make things better there are obviously pitfalls which we need to be careful about and make sure we tackle them

 I wish I could I could spend the whole day talking to you about AI um I feel excited about the future just because of what Google is doing and Google's AI product So yeah thank you for that all right thanks a appreciate it thank you...

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